Browse articles
- Babcock, Maltbie Davenport
- Babcock, Samuel
- Bach, Johann
- Baelz, Peter
- Bahnmaier, Jonathan
- Bailey, Albert
- Bairstow, Edward
- Baker, Frank
- Baker, Henry Williams
- Baker, Theodore
- Bakewell, John
- Balasios
- Ball, Eli
- Ballanta, Nicholas
- Ballou, Hosea
- Ballou, Silas
- Baloche, Paul
- Bancroft, Charitie Lees
- Bancroft, Henry
- Bangor Antiphonary
- Baptism by Fire
- Baptist hymnody, British
- Baptist hymnody, USA
- Baptized in water
- Barbauld, Anna
- Baring-Gould, Sabine
- Barlow, Joel
- Barnard, Charlotte Alington
- Barnard, John
- Barnard, Willem
- Barnby, Joseph
- Barnes, Edward Shippen
- Barnett, John
- Barnett, Marie
- Barr, Tony
- Barrel organ
- Barrell, Margaret
- Barrows, Cliff
- Barry, Alfred
- Barth, Christian
- Barthelemon, Francois
- Bartlett, Eugene
- Bartlett, Lawrence
- Barton, Bernard
- Barton, William
- Bash, Ewald
- Batastini, Robert
- Bateman, Christian Henry
- Bates, Katherine
- Bathurst, William
- Battishill, Jonathan
- Baughen, Michael
- Bax, Clifford
- Baxter, J.R.
- Baxter, Lydia Odell
- Baxter, Richard
- Bay Psalm Book
- Bayley, Daniel
- Baylor University Sacred Music Collection
- Bayly, Albert Frederick
- Baynes, Robert
- BBC Hymn Book
- BBC Songs of Praise
- Be known to us in breaking bread
- Be not dismayed whate'er betide
- Be present at our table, Lord
- Be still, for the Presence of the Lord
- Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy side
- Be strong! We are not here to play, to dream, to drift
- Be thou my guardian and my guide
- Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart
- Beach, Seth Curtis
- Beadon, Hyde Wyndham
- Beams of heaven as I go ('Some Day')
- Beard, John
- Beata nobis gaudia
- Beaumont, Geoffrey
- Beautiful Savior
- Beauty for brokenness
- Because he lives
- Because I knew not when my life was good
- Because thou hast said
- Because you live, O Christ
- Becker, Cornelius
- Beckerlegge, Oliver
- Become to us the living bread
- Becon, Thomas
- Beddome, Benjamin
- Bede
- Beecher, Henry
- Beeching, Henry Charles
- Beeching, Vicky
- Befiehl du deine Wege
- Before I take the body of my Lord
- Before Jehovah's awful throne
- Before the cock crew twice
- Before the ending of the day
- Before the marvel of this night
- Before the throne of God above
- Before the world's foundation
- Before Thy throne, O God, we kneel
- Begin, my tongue, some heavenly theme
- Begone my worldly cares, away
- Begone unbelief, my Saviour is near
- Behm, Martin
- Behold a broken world, we pray
- Behold a little child
- Behold a Stranger at the door
- Behold the amazing gift of love
- Behold the great Creator makes
- Behold the Lamb of God
- Behold the messengers of Christ
- Behold the saviour of mankind
- Behold the servant of the Lord
- Behold the sun that seemed but now
- Behold the temple of the Lord
- Behold the throne of grace
- Behold us, Lord, a little space
- Behold us, Lord, before Thee met
- Behold we come, dear Lord, to Thee
- Behold! the mountain of the Lord
- Behold, where breathing love divine
- Behold, where in a mortal form
- Bei dir, Jesu, will ich bleiben
- Being of beings, God of love
- Believe not those who say
- Believers Hymn Book
- Believing fathers oft have told
- Bell, George
- Bell, Gordon
- Bell, John
- Beloved, “it is well !”
- Bender, Jan
- Beneath our feet and o'er our head
- Beneath the cross of Jesus
- Benedicite
- Benedictus
- Bengel, Johann
- Bennard, George
- Bennett, Sanford Fillmore
- Bennett, William
- Benoit, Claire-Lise de
- Benson Collection, Princeton Theological Seminary
- Benson, (Robert) Hugh
- Benson, Arthur
- Benson, Edward
- Benson, John T., Sr.
- Benson, Louis F.
- Benson, Richard Meux
- Benson, Robert
- Bern of Reichenau
- Bernard of Clairvaux
- Bernard of Cluny
- Berridge, John
- Berry, Gill
- Bersier, Eugène
- Berthier, Jacques
- Bethlehem! of noblest cities
- Bethune, George Washington
- Bevan, Emma
- Bevan, Maurice
- Bévenot, Laurence
- Bevor die Sonne sinkt
- Bewes, Richard
- Beyond all mortal praise
- Beyond the far horizon
- Beyond, beyond that boundless sea
- Bèze, Théodore
- Bianco da Siena
- Bibliotheca Hymnologica (1890)
- Bickersteth, Edward
- Bickersteth, Edward Henry
- Bienemann, Kaspar
- Bigg, Charles
- Billings, William
- Bind us together, Lord
- Binney, Thomas
- Birkbeck, William
- Birken, Sigmund
- Birks, Thomas Rawson
- Bittleston, Henry
- Bjorlin, David
- Black, George
- Black, James
- Blackall, Christopher Rubey
- Blacker, Maxwell Julius
- Blackie, John
- Blackley, R. John
- Blair, Hugh
- Blake, William
- Blanchard, George Bett
- Blarer, Ambrosius
- Blarer, Thomas
- Blaxill, Edwin Alec
- Blecher, Supply
- Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine
- Blessed be the God of Israel
- Blessed city, heavenly Salem
- Blessed Jesus, here we stand
- Blessed Savior, we adore thee
- Blest are the moments, doubly blest
- Blest are the pure in heart
- Blest are the saints, O Lord
- Blest are they, the poor in spirit
- Blest be the dear uniting love
- Blest be the everlasting God
- Blest be the tie that binds
- Blest is the man whose softening heart
- Blest is the man, O Lord
- Blew, William
- Bliss, Philip
- Blow ye the trumpet, blow
- Blumhardt, Johann
- Blumhofer, Edith Lydia
- Blunt, Gerald
- Blycker, Philip
- Boatner, Edward Hammond
- Boberg, Carl
- Bock, Fred
- Bode, John Ernest
- Body, George
- Boethius
- Bogatsky, Karl
- Bohemian Brethren hymnody
- Bokwe, John
- Bonar, Horatius
- Bonaventura da Bagnoregio
- Bonhoeffer, Dietrich
- Bonner, Carey
- Book of books, our people's strength
- Book of Praise
- Booth, Herbert
- Booth, William
- Born in song
- Born in the night
- Borning Cry
- Borthwick, Jane Laurie
- Boston University School of Theology Library, hymnological collections
- Bottome, Francis
- Bourgeois, Loys
- Bourignon, Antoinette
- Bourne, George Hugh
- Bourne, Hugh
- Bourne, William St Hill
- Boutflower, Cecil
- Bowater, Chris
- Bowie, Walter
- Bowman, Thea
- Bowring, John
- Boyce, William
- Boyce-Tillman, June
- Boyd, Robert
- Boye, Brigitte
- Boyer, Horace Clarence
- Brackenbury, Robert Carr
- Brackett, Lyman
- Bradbury, William
- Bradley, Ian
- Brady, Nicholas
- Braille hymns and hymnals, USA
- Brailsford, Edward
- Bramley, Henry Ramsden
- Bread of heaven! on thee we feed
- Bread of the world in mercy broken
- Break forth, O beauteous heavenly light
- Break thou the bread of life
- Break, day of God, O break
- Break, New-Born Year, on glad eyes break
- Breast the wave, Christian
- Breathe on me, breath of God
- Brébeuf, Jean
- Breck, Carrie
- Brennan, Patrick
- Brent Smith, Alexander
- Bretano, Clemens
- Brethren Church hymnody, USA
- Brethren hymnody, British
- Brethren, we have met to worship
- Breviary
- Brich an, du schönes Morgenlicht
- Bridge, Basil
- Bridge, Frederick
- Bridges, Matthew
- Bridges, Robert
- Brief life is here our portion
- Briggs, Anna
- Briggs, George
- Bright the vision that delighted
- Bright, William
- Brightest and best of the sons of the morning
- Brightly beams our Father's mercy
- Brightly gleams our banner
- Bring many names
- Bring to the Lord a glad new song
- Bring, O morn, thy music
- Bringing in the sheaves
- Bringle, Mary
- Brink, Emily
- Bristol Tune Book
- Bristol, Lee
- Britten, Benjamin
- Broadcast Praise
- Broadcasting Hymns in Britain
- Brody, Benjamin
- Brokering, Herbert
- Bronte, Anne
- Brontë, Emily
- Brooke, Stopford
- Brooks, Arnold
- Brooks, Phillips
- Brooks, Reginald
- Brorson, Hans
- Brother, hast thou wandered far
- Brother, now thy toils are o'er
- Brother, sister, let me serve you
- Brown, Arthur
- Brown, Brenton
- Brown, Grayson Warren
- Brown, Phoebe
- Brown, Rosalind
- Brown, Shirley Lewis
- Brown-Borthwick, Robert
- Browne, Simon
- Browne, Thomas
- Browning, Elizabeth
- Browning, Robert
- Brownlie, John
- Brownson, Oliver
- Bruce, Michael
- Brugman, Johannes
- Brumley, Albert
- Brumm, James Hart
- Brun, Johan
- Brunn alles Heils, dich ehren wir
- Bryan, Joseph
- Bryant, William
- Bryant, William
- Bubier, George Burden
- Bucer, Martin
- Buchanan, Annabel
- Buchanan, Dugald
- Buchanan, George
- Buck, Dudley
- Buck, Percy
- Buckoll, Henry
- Budry, Edmond
- Built on the rock the church doth stand
- Buis, Johann S.
- Bulfinch, Stephen Greenleaf
- Bulgarian hymnody
- Bullock, William
- Bunsen, Christian
- Bunyan, John
- Burder, George
- Burke, Christian
- Burkitt, Francis
- Burleigh, Glenn E.
- Burleigh, Harry
- Burleigh, William H
- Burns, Edward
- Burns, James
- Burns, Robert
- Burton, Henry
- Burton, John (I)
- Burton, John (II)
- Burton, John (III)
- Buszin, Walter E.
- Butler, Henry Montagu
- Butler, Mary
- By all your saints still striving
- By and by
- By Christ redeemed, in Christ restored
- By cool Siloam's shady rill
- By gracious powers so wonderfully sheltered
- By precepts taught of ages past
- By the Babylonian rivers
- By the cross, sad vigil keeping
- By the holy hills surrounded
- Byrne, Mary
- Byrom, John
- Byzantine hymnody
- Byzantine rite, hymnody of
- Byzantios, Konstantinos
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