New articles published in 2024
07 February 2025
New articles published in 2024:
For all Thy care we bless Thee
Kenneth Wayne Louis
Nathaniel Langdon Frothingham
O Lord of life and truth and grace
O God whose presence glows in all
Octavius Brooks Frothingham
Praise the Lord, His glories show
Thou Lord of Hosts, whose guiding hand
William Mathias
Jesus, thine all-victorious love
Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing. Author unknown
Refreshed by gentle slumbers
Sweet the time, exceeding sweet
As the wind song through the trees
Association of Anglican Musicians
Baylor University Sacred Music Collection
From north and south, from east and west
Hear the turmoil of the nations
In all my Lord's appointed ways
Let's walk together ('Welcome')
In all my Lord's appointed ways
Lord, teach a little child to pray
Revised English Hymnal (2023)
Stephen Langton
Time propels us like a current
All who believe and are baptized
For the strength of the hills we bless Thee
He is arisen! Glorious word!
The breaking waves dashed high (1)
The God of Sarah praise
Arabella Catherine Hankey
Calm on the bosom of thy God
Grayson Warren Brown
Lowly and solemn be
Hymns Old & New.
Hark, ten thousand voices sounding
He knelt, the Saviour knelt and prayed
O lovely voices of the sky
Break, New-Born Year, on glad eyes break
Ecumenical Praise
Lawrence Edmond Schultz
Mary, woman weeping
Westminster Praise
With water freely flowing
Henry Richard McFadyen
James Lawson
Mary Frances Reza
O mean may seem this house of clay
The lone, wild [fowl] bird
Father, hear Thy children's call
He's gone! See where his body lay
Sovereign Ruler of the skies
Come, children, lift your voices
Marvin V. Frey
Sovereign Ruler of the skies
The Ten Commandments in Metre
Ut queant laxis
USA hymnody, music
Urbs Sion aurea, patria lactea, cive decora
Where is my wand'ring boy to-night
Dies sind die heiligen zehn Gebot
Ein neues Lied wir haben an
Jesus, at thy command
Mensch, wiltu leben seliglich
O Lord, I would delight in thee
David McCormick
God is my great desire
He comes to us as one unknown
Indelible Grace Music
Kevin Twit
Lyra Consolationis
My soul cries out with a joyful shout ('Canticle of the Turning')
Not for tongues of heaven's angels
Richard Cheri
Rory Cooney
Come let us sing of Jesus
Edwin Le Grice
Owen Alstott
Gareth Hill
It is not death to die
Stuart Dauermann
Tossed upon life's raging billow
There is no name so sweet on earth
Tim Hughes
Youth Praise
Assembly Bangers
Beneath our feet and o'er our head
Clare Taylor
Come and Praise
Das Volk, das noch im Finstern wandelt
Forth from the dark and stormy sky
Good people all, this Christmas time
God save our gracious King
I am far frae my hame, an' I'm weary aftenwhiles
Junior Praise
John Atkinson
Jesu, thy far-extended fame
Mary Lee Demarest
O Thou whom once they flocked to hear
Patrick Brennan
Silas White Leonard
The cross, the cross, O that's my gain
We shall meet beyond the river
Before the marvel of this night
Come and journey with a Saviour
Come, Holy Spirit, come
Jean C. Nalam
Janet Kraybill
Let me be Thine for ever
Peter Horrobin
Roland Fudge
Sing of a God in Majestic Divinity
The love of Jesus calls us