New articles published in 2020

01 February 2021

New articles published in 2020:



When Jesus' friend had ceased to be
How high Thou art! our songs can own
God named Love, whose fount Thou art
What would we give to our beloved
Of all the thoughts of God, that are
Una espiga dorada por el sol
Sois la semilla
Camina, pueblo de Dios
Tú has venido a la orilla (Pescador de Hombres)
And now, my soul, another year
Come Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,/ To whom we for our children cry
Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,/One God in persons three (1)
My glorious Victor, Prince Divine
Handley Moule
Carol Pemberton
Gertrude Suppe
Come Father, Son, and Holy Ghost/ Honour the means...
Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,/One God in persons three
Raquel Gutiérrez-Achón
George Frank Lockwood
Boris Ord
Hail to the Sabbath day



Iesu dulcedo cordium
Gird on thy sword, O man, thy strength endue
Stop, poor sinner! stop and think
Beverly Ann Howard
Daniel Hale Mansfield
Hsieh Fang-Lan
Unison hymn tune in Britain, 1861-1939
Give me Jesus (In the morning when I rise)
Whitefield Glanville Wills
Basil Manly [Junior]
Eli Ball
Lord of our highest love
Ah Jesu Christ, my Lord most dear.
Heinrich von Laufenburg
Plausu chorus laetabundo
Iucundare, plebs fidelis
O Covenant Angel, full of grace
How lost was my condition
How tedious and tasteless the hours
In the dark and silent night
In the dark and cloudy day (1)
Clementine Tangeman



Elise Eslinger
Pelas dores deste mundo (For the troubles and the sufferings of the world)
NETO, Rodolfo Gaede
Hark! the herald angels sing (Jesus the light of the world)
There's a star in the east (Rise up, shepherd, and follow)
Kenneth W. Osbeck
Hymn Society in Japan
Jesus is our Shepherd
Lord of all power and might
James Relly
Joys are flowing like a river
Manie Payne Ferguson
Yasuhiko Yokosaka (横坂康彦)
Association of Lutheran Church Musicians (ALCM)



Nancy Rosenberger Faus-Mullen
What sweeter music can we bring
Here a little child I stand
In this world, the Isle of Dreams
Joseph Lawrence Herl
In the hour of my distress
Jorge Lockward
Wilbur Caldwell Held
Son of Man, to Thee I cry
God who created me
Henry Charles Beeching
Park, Chai-hoon (Jai-hoon) 박재훈
Lim, Swee Hong (林瑞峰)
Lully, lulla, thou little tiny child ('Coventry Carol')
Let avarice from shore to shore
Tomorrow shall be my dancing day



O blest Creator of the Light (Caswall)
Source of light and life divine
O blest Creator of the light
Lucis Creator optime
Spirit of God, that moved of old
Thou hallowed chosen morn of praise
Gloria, gloria
Away with our fears/ Our troubles and tears
Nobuaki Hanaoka (1)
Shōzō Koyama
Yasushige Imakoma
Send your Word
O Lord our God, Thy mighty hand
When we are called to sing your praise
Awhile in spirit, Lord, to Thee
For ever we would gaze on Thee
An image of that heavenly light
Deep in our hearts
John Wesley Oldham
Caelestis formam gloriae
O wondrous type, O vision fair
A type of those bright rays on high



The hand that was nailed to the cross of woe
Jesus, my Saviour, full of grace
My love colours outside the lines
Postcolonial and Decolonial Perspectives on Hymnody
Come, Christians, join to sing
Christian Henry Bateman
My life flows on in endless song (How can I keep from singing)
O Thou God of my Salvation
To us a child of royal birth
O send thy light forth and thy truth



Great God, this sacred day of Thine
Great God, to Thee my evening song
O let the heart beat high with bliss
My Lord, what a morning (mourning)
How can I say that I love the Lord ('Koinonia')
V. Michael McKay
Angelus ad virginem
Simon Kara Marak
John Ambrose
When the saints go marching in
Tantum ergo sacramentum
Lord, we your church are deaf and dumb



I found free grace and dying love ('New-Born Again')
O salutaris Hostia
Verbum supernum prodiens, nec Patris linquens dexteram
Verbum supernum prodiens,/ a Patre olim exiens
Come, join the dance of Trinity
God the sculptor of the mountains
The Spirit sends us forth to serve
Summoned by the God who made us (Sing a new Church
There is a gate that stands ajar
Jesu, joy of man's desiring
Amanda Husberg
Mercer's 'Cluster'
Jesse Mercer
They are all gone into the world of light
Up to those bright and gladsome hills.
Not what these hands have done
Our Father, through the coming year
Press on, press on! ye sons of light



Adoniram Judson
All ye who seek for sure relief (1)
Bind us together, Lord
Blumhofer, Edith Lydia
Bob Gillman
Come, Holy Spirit, Dove divine
Draw the circle wide
Hail to the Sabbath day (1)
Hath not thy heart within thee burned
Henry Mills
Hold thou my hands
I have decided to follow Jesus
Lord, in this sacred hour
O suffering friend of human kind
Our Father God, who art in heaven
Our Savior bowed beneath the wave
Shackled by a heavy burden (He touched me)
Strengthen for Service. 100 Years of the English Hymnal, 1906-2006
The Heavenly Word proceeding forth
Through the night Thy angels kept



I am the church (We are the church)
Gerre Hancock
Thomas King Ekundayo Phillips
Godwin Sadoh
Lord of the brave, who call'st Thine own
Ye boundless realms of joy (1)
See the morning sun ascending
Charles Parkin
Christ has risen while earth slumbers
Ronald Kent Arnatt
You, living Christ, our eyes behold



I will make the darkness light
Michael Fleming
Jesus only is my motto
Deeper, deeper in the love of Jesus
He looked beyond my faults



Abraham Maxim
Come, weary souls with sin distressed
O solemn hour, so strange and still
O happy land of Paradise
Hush, my soul, what Voice is pleading
John Henry Lester
O Word of God above