Howard Olson

OLSON, Howard. b. St Paul, Minnesota, 18 July 1922; d. Sun City Center, Florida, 1 July 2010. Howard Olson has a well-deserved reputation for his African hymns, such as ‘Christ has arisen, Alleluia (Mfurahini, Haleluya)*, ‘Neno lake Mungu’ (‘Listen, God Is Calling’), and ‘Njoo kwetu, Roho mwema’ (‘Gracious Spirit, Heed Our Pleading’). They have have found their way into hymnals around the globe. Olson’s Tumshangilie Mungu: Nyimbo za Kikristo za Kiafrika has gone through six successive editions and grown from 81 to 152 hymns. His Set Free includes thirty hymns.   Behind his hymns lie depths of cultural sensitivity, understanding, study, expertise, and careful work. He was not only a...

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