The play of the Godhead

The play of the Godhead. Mary Louise Bringle* (1953– ).  Mary Louise Bringle was inspired to compose hymn texts in 2000 after attending the Hymn Writer’s Workshop in Boston sponsored by the Hymn Society in the United States and Canada*. Composer William Rowan* (b. 1951) encouraged her and provided her with a collection of his compositions, eighteen ‘hymns without words’ (Bringle, 2002, p. 5). During that year, she penned this hymn. It was paired with Rowan’s tune PERICHORESIS. The tune's name embodies the theological concept of the Holy Trinity that inspired Bringle’s text.  This hymn first appeared in Bringle’s initial collection, Joy and Wonder, Love and Longing: 75 Hymn Texts (Chicago,...

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