With all thy Pow’r, O Lord, defend

With all thy Pow’r, O Lord, defend. Rowland Hill* (1744-1833).   This is from Hill’s A Collection of Hymns, chiefly intended for the Use of the Poor (1776), the second of two hymns for ministers, ‘For Ministers at their Arrival’, and ‘For Ministers at their Departure’:  With all thy Pow’r, O Lord, defendHim whom we now to Thee commend;Thy faithful Messenger secure,And make him to the End endure.  Gird him with all-sufficient Grace; Direct his Feet in Paths of Peace; Thy Truth and Faithfulness fulfil, And save him, Lord, from ev’ry Ill.  When Thou, Chief Shepherd, shalt appear And small and great before Thee stand, Oh, be the flock assembling here Found with the sheep on thy right...

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