Samuel Sebastian Wesley

WESLEY, Samuel Sebastian. b. London, 14 August 1810; d. Gloucester, 19 April 1876. The son of the composer and organist Samuel Wesley (III)*, he received his early education as a Child of the Chapel Royal (the name for a chorister), St James’s Palace, 1817-26. After leaving the Chapel Royal he held the post of organist at several London parish churches: St James’ Chapel, Hampstead Road, where one of his predecessors had been George Smart* (1826-32), St Giles, Camberwell (1829-32), St John’s, Waterloo Road (1829-31) and Hampton Parish Church (1831-32). He also worked as pianist at the English Opera House and began to make his mark as a composer. In 1832, however, he left London to embark on...

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