O God, what offering shall I give

O God, what offering shall I give. Joachim Lange* (1670-1744), translated by John Wesley* (1703-1791). This is John Wesley’s translation of Lange’s ‘O Jesu, süsses Licht’, which he would have found in the Moravian Das Gesang-Buch der Gemeine in Herrnhut (1735). The translation was published in Hymns and Sacred Poems (1739), with the heading ‘A Morning Dedication of Ourselves to Christ. From the German.’ The first stanza was as follows (with the German text for comparison): WesleyLange Jesu, Thy light again I view, Again Thy mercy’s beams I see, And all within me wakes anew To pant for Thy immensity: Again my thoughts to Thee aspire In fervent flames of strong desire. O Jesu, süsses...

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