New articles published this summer

21 August 2018

The Canterbury Dictionary of Hymnology continues to grow, with new articles and updates published every month.

Here are just a few highlights from the entries published this summer:


Cantemos al Señor    Carlos Rosas (1939- ). 

Based on Psalm 19 which, in turn, alludes to Genesis 1, ‘Cantemos al Señor’ celebrates God through nature, flowing from the story of Juan Diego who recognized the Virgin in a natural rural setting on the remote hill of Tepeyac. The significance of this event among Mexican Catholics would be difficult to over-emphasize...


Dugald Buchanan   b. Ardoch, Balquhidder, Perthshire, 1716; d. Ardoch, 2 July 1768.

His diary described his early manhood as a period of recklessness and ungodliness, profanity and vice (it is possible that he took the outlaw Rob Roy MacGregor (d. 1734), who lived at Balquhidder, as an example)...


Carolyn Winfrey Gillette   b. Harrisonburg, Virginia, 28 May 1961. 

A review of the topics Gillette chooses to write on quickly reveals her concern to address modern-day and topical issues in her hymns, most often through a call to peace and social justice...


What is our calling's glorious hope    Charles Wesley (1707-1788).

These stanzas are a dramatic paraphrase of the passage from Titus, ending with a plea and invitation. The witty use of ‘believe… Believe’ in stanza 4 compresses the principal idea into two lines...


See the full list of new articles published this year