New articles published in 2023

19 January 2025

New articles published in 2023:



Come, sinner, to the gospel feast

Eternal beam of light divine

Father of everlasting grace

Father! Thy wonders do not singly stand

O God, we call



Almighty Father, God of love

Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,/ One God in persons three

Come, let us praise the Name of God

How happy are we

Jesus my strength, my hope

Kindred in Christ, for his dear sake

Praise the Spirit in creation

Sing to the glory of our God

There are hundreds of sparrows, thousands, millions



All Nature's works his praise declare

Behold the throne of grace

Go at the call of God

Hester Periam Hawkins

How happy are they

Lift your glad voices in triumph on high

O the deep, deep love of Jesus

On Zion's glorious summit stood

Rachel's voice from Ramah, weeping

Samuel Trevor Francis

So rest, my Rest

When morning gilds the skies (Bridges)

What cheering words are these

Your voice, O God, outsings the stars of morning



Behold us, Lord, before Thee met

Cleavant Derricks

God weeps

I once was lost in sin

O Thou who once in Galilee

O Son of God, in Galilee

O Thou whose tender mercy hears

Restore in us, O God

The King shall come when morning dawns

Take, O take me as I am

Why should we start and fear to die

Why should I fear the darkest hour



Edward Rowland Sill

Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning

Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising

Joseph A. Seiss

John Christopher Kunze

O Holy Spirit, enter in

Send down thy truth, O God

To-day our Lord went up on high



At the dawning of creation

A Light is Gleaming

Archibald Hamilton Charteris

As the waters rise around us

Alexandre Vinet

Father, to us, Thy children, humbly kneeling

For all thy gifts we praise thee, Lord

Hey Now! Singing Hallelujah!

Infinite Spirit, who art round us ever

I would I were at last at home

Isaac Baker Woodbury

Linnea Good

Make a Joyful Noise



Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove

Change my heart, O God

Daniel Malgas

Dark, dark indeed, the grave would be

David Gambrell

Eddie Espinosa

Far from these narrow scenes of night

Francis Hall Johnson

Oswald Allen

Quit you like men

Robert Edward Kreutz

Saviour, visit thy plantation

There is a God, all nature speaks

To-day Thy mercy calls us

The Saviour calls; let every ear

We are climbing Jacob's ladder

When blooming youth is snatched away

While my Jesus I'm possessing

“There is a God,” all Nature cries



Awake my soul in joyful lays

Daniel Gardner

Light dawns on a weary world

My life is in you, Lord

Marianne Nunn

One there is above all others/O how he loves

Safely through another week

Take our bread

While with ceaseless course the sun



Beams of heaven as I go ('Some Day')

‘By and by’ hymns

Do, Lord, remember me

Kirk Franklin

Now behold the Lamb

Alice Flowerdew

Come into my heart, blessed Jesus ('Into my heart')

Fountain of mercy, God of love

Father of Mercies! God of Love

Full in the panting heart of Rome

Harry D. Clarke

Jesus, my Saviour and my Lord

Mortals, awake, with angels join

Now in a song of grateful praise

O could I speak the matchless worth

O that mine eyes would closed be

Someone asked the question ('Why we sing')



Arm of the Lord, awake, awake (Shrubsole)

Bern of Reichenau

For all the faithful women

If the world from you withhold ('Leave it there')

Lamb of God ('Your only Son, no sin to hide')

Nothing between my soul and the Savior

O God, in this Thine hour of grace

Open now thy gates of beauty

O'er the gloomy hills of darkness

Praise the Lord, rise up rejoicing

sanctorum meritis

Shepherd of souls, with pitying eye

When the storms of life are raging ('Stand by Me')



Because you live, O Christ

By precepts taught of ages past

Cowley Carol Book

Diverse in culture, nation, race

Elizabeth Wilson

Father of Lights, in whom there is no shadow

God bless our native land. American version

Helen Thoburn

Love is his word, love is his way

O God, we bear the imprint of your face

Put forth, O God, thy Spirit's might

Sign us with ashes

The church of Christ cannot be bound

The play of the Godhead

The voice of God goes out to all the world

Twila Paris



Frances Chesterton

From all the dark places

How far is it to Bethlehem

Into the tent where a gypsy boy lay

Mary Bridges Canedy Slade

O! to be like thee, blessed Redeemer

On the day of Pentecost

Order my steps

Psalms and Hymns for Public Worship (SPCK, 1852-1869).

Rejoice for a brother deceased

Sweetly, Lord, have we heard Thee calling

Who at my door is standing

Who is She that stands triumphant

With all thy Pow'r, O Lord, defend

Ye that in his Courts are found