New articles published in 2017

10 December 2017

New articles published in 2017:



Teaching hymnody
Richard Chenevix Trench
Book of Praise, The
Halle, Halle, Hallelujah
American Bass Viol
Raquel Mora Martínez
Lonely the boat
Helen Kim
Come now, O Prince of Peace
O sleep now, holy baby
O Lord most High, eternal King
I stand all bewildered with wonder
I have such a wonderful Savior
(Arabella) Katherine Hankey
Advent tells us Christ is near



He who by a mother's love
Jesus, my Saviour, look on me
With tearful eyes I look around
Now the Silence
God of the sparrow
Go, my children, with my blessing
Let me be with Thee where Thou art
My God, is any hour so sweet
My God and Father, while I stray
Take this moment, sign, and space
I sought him dressed in finest clothes
Filey Conference and its hymns
How lovely shines the morning star
Lord of all the saints, we praise thee
Soon will our Saviour from heaven appear
There are loved ones in the glory
When I feel my faith will fail
A Saviour who died our salvation to win
Ada Ruth Habershon
Love consecrates the humblest act
Silas B. McManus



Martin Smith
Robin Mark
Dance and sing

Christ's is the world in which we move
We cannot care for you the way we wanted
Before I take the body of my Lord
Jesus calls us here to meet him
We cannot measure how you heal
Today I awake
Who would think that what was needed
Inspired by love and anger
Face to face with Christ my Saviour
O God of heaven, we give thee thanks
Anastasia Van Burkalow
Luther Roby
Earl Bowman Marlatt



Jesus is Lord! Creation's voice proclaims it
Summer ended, harvest o'er
'Are ye able', said the Master
O Lord of hosts, who didst upraise
Could we with ink the ocean fill
Joshua Spalding
Blest are they, the poor in spirit



This is the day of Light
Will you come and follow me
One, only one, shall be the fold
And now the wants are told, that brought
Hark! the voice of Jesus calling
And am I born to die
Chetham's Psalmody
Draw us in the Spirit's tether



Alleluia! fairest morning
Jonathan Krause
Lord, whose Love through humble service
By all your saints still striving
Jeremiah Ingalls
Thomas Walter
Harold W. Friedell
Index to Anglo-American Psalmody
The Worcester Collection of Sacred Harmony
Musica Ecclesiae, or Devotional Harmony
Karl Kroeger
James Martin Gray
Harp (as a title)
Arthur H. Messiter
I once was a stranger to grace and to God
When this passing world is done
Robert Murray McCheyne
Henry Stephen Cutler
Samuel Augustus Ward
George Whelpton
Malotte's Lord's Prayer
Albert Hay Malotte



John Stewart Murray
Samuel Wakefield
William Henry Walter
John Tufts
John Ireland Tucker
Lewis Freeman
Daniel B. Merrick
Charles Lewis Hutchins
John Stickney
Mary Shindler
Alexander Schreiner
Simeon Jocelin
James Lyon
Elias Mann
Cotton Mather
Harriet (Hattie) Pierson
Artemas N. Johnson
Henry Houseley
John Henry Gower
Matilda Durham Hoy
Dear friend of friendless sinners, hear
Tu Christe nostrum gaudium
Hymntune Index and Related Hymn Materials
D. DeWitt Wasson
Every morning mercies new
My son, know thou the Lord (1)
Frederick Luke Wiseman
Robert Carr Brackenbury
I never can forget the day
I wandered in the shades of night
Over the river, faces I see
All to Jesus I surrender
Judson W. Van De Venter
O Thron'd, O Crown'd with all renown
O Jesus, crowned with all renown
In the rifted rock I'm resting



Robin Knowles Wallace
O du fröhliche
Johannes Daniel Falk
I have read of a beautiful city
In the shadow of His wings
All, yes, all I give to Jesus
There's a Stranger at the door
Jonathan Burtch Atchinson
We come, O Christ, to you
We gather here to bid farewell
Sing with all the saints in glory
Come let us sing the song of songs
'Tis the gift to be simple
O come, Redeemer of mankind, appear
With hearts renew'd, and cleansed from guilt of sin
Thou hidden Source of calm repose
Open, Lord, my inward ear
Behold a Stranger at the door
Creating God, your fingers trace
God, my King, thy might confessing



There is a safe and secret place
Creator of the earth and sky
Come, Christmas Child
George Hunt Smyttan
We all believe in One true God
Wir glauben all' an einen Gott (Clausnitzer)
Well worth the long ascent
Almighty Father, who dost give
John Howard Bertram Masterman
Das Jahr geht still zu Ende
Eleonore Reuss
How oft, O Lord, Thy Face hath shone
August W. Kjellstrand
Samuel Johan Hedborn
For all who watch to-night
In the quiet consecration
O Christ our Joy, gone up on high
David Thomas Morgan
Kate Stearns Page
We, thy people, praise thee
Edith Lovell Thomas



Keswick Convention
Search me, O God, and know my heart today
J. Edwin Orr
Behold the Lamb of God
Rise, glorious Conqueror, rise
Charlotte Maria Tucker
Baptism by Fire
Thomas Tiplady
George L. Knight
Deane Edwards
'Mid all the traffic of the ways



Edwin O. Excell
Hail, Thou Source of every blessing
'Twas on that dark, that doleful night
How beauteous were the marks divine
In the silent midnight watches
Jesu, in thy dying woes
God, who art the Lord of Harvest
Thou, whose purpose is to kindle
D. Elton Trueblood
Jean Woodward Steele
Shirley Lewis Brown
When for me the silent oar
Draw thou my soul, O Christ
For the brave of every race
O scorn'd and outcast Lord, beneath
The son of consolation
Maud Coote
We are soldiers of Christ, Who is mighty to save
Jesu, with thy church abide



O God my strength and fortitude
Our earth we now lament to see
Thy home is with the humble, Lord
Because he lives
O gift of gifts! O grace of faith!
I worship Thee, sweet will of God
Father of all, we come to Thee
Edwin Alec Blaxill
John Sebastian Bach Hodges
Faustina H. Hodges
Jean M.T. Gower
When on my day of life the night is falling
O where are kings and empires now
We are living, we are dwelling
Edward Hodges
Omni die, dic Mariae
I'll sing a hymn to Mary
John Wyse
Drawn to the Cross which Thou hast blest
Geneviève Mary Irons