New articles published in 2016

31 December 2016

New articles published in 2016:



The foe behind, the deep before

O Saviour, Who for man hast trod

Ralph Mortensen

What are these in bright array

Wake, awake, for night is flying

Now God be with us, for the night is closing

Now all the woods are sleeping

Jesu, the world's redeeming Lord

Come with us, O blessed Jesus



As Thou didst rest, O Father, o'er nature's finished birth

Alfred Barry

Dear Jesus! ever at my side

Dear Angel! ever at my side

Daily, daily sing to Mary

Henry Bittleston

I know not what the future hath

I can picture Jesus toiling

Carmina Gadelica

W. Thomas Smith

Amen Siakudumisa

Mary Louis Vandyke

H. Augustine Smith

Chris Tomlin

The heavens declare thy glory

O King of mercy, from Thy throne on high

O Word Incarnate, full of grace

Thomas Rawson Birks

Edward Shippen Barnes

O Christ who holds the open gate

John Masefield

Karl P. Harrington

On wings of living light

William C. Hauser

Book of books, our people's strength

There is a city bright

Mary Anne Sanderson Deck



All praise to Thee, O Lord

While Thee I seek, protecting Power

My God, all nature owns Thy sway

Helen Maria Williams

Henry W. Greatorex

Greville Phillimore

Another Sabbath ended

T. Vincent Tymms

Bliss Wiant

O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig

Rodney ('Gipsy') Smith

America the beautiful

Be strong! We are not here to play, to dream, to drift

Christian Social Union, Church of England



To-day, O Lord, a holier work

The fish in wave and bird on wing

Shall we not love thee, Mother dear

O Jesu, Lord of heavenly grace

O blessed day when first was poured

What star is this, with beams so bright

Ruler of the hosts of light

Once more the solemn season calls

Follow the paths of Jesus

The prize is set before us

Christopher Rubey Blackall

Father of men, in whom are one

Must Jesus bear the cross alone

Stir me, O stir me, Lord, I care not how

There is a happy land

Andrew Young

Singing school

Ask ye what great thing I know



Raise the psalm: let earth adoring

God of grace, O let Thy light

Earth, with all thy thousand voices

They who tread the path of labour

Jesus, thou divine companion

Christ the Lord is risen today!/ Christians haste

Alleluia, song of gladness

Alleluia, song of sweetness

William Walker Rockwell

Andreas Teich

Hush, my dear, lie still and slumber

Come and join the celebration

The voice of God is calling

O Father, whose creating hand

When God would prove his love

My God, since I can call thee mine

Hark, 'tis the Saviour of mankind

Father, behold us here

Come, though we can truly sing

Judith Murray

John Murray

Reuben Archer Torrey

The glory of our King was seen

Jesus' hands were kind hands, doing good to all

Great God, who, hid from mortal sight

Earl Enyeart Harper



Harriet Spaeth

Golden breaks the dawn (1)

Tzu Chen Chao

Elizabeth Wordsworth

Mary Hamilton

Father in heaven, who lovest all

Jan Bender

Walter E. Buszin



Robert Dufford

Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve

Florence Coates

With happy voices ringing

Fairest Lord Jesus

Beautiful Savior

Schönster Herr Jesu

John Paculabo

Robert Boyd

I thirst, thou wounded Lamb of God

Albert C. Ronander

William Watkins Reid, Sr.

Anna Hoppe

Eben Tourjée

Come kindred, upstand in the valour of Jesus



Clement Gale

Josiah Flagg

Daniel ben Judah

William Caldwell

Oliver Brownson

O spread the tidings 'round, where ever man is found

O bliss of the purified, bliss of the free

Full Salvation! Full Salvation!

Francis Bottome

Philip T.B. ('Tubby') Clayton

Richard Avery

George N. Allen

The fields are all white

The call to arms is sounding

Breast the wave, Christian

Joseph Stammers

The tender light of home behind

O Master! when Thou callest

Thou great mysterious God unknown

Jesus, the gift divine I know

O Thou who dost accord us

O Thou who dost to man accord

Jesu, our Lenten fast to Thee

In the Name of God the Father

John W. Hewett

Drew University Hymnological Collection

Chorister's Prayer

Surrexit Christus hodie



Peace in our time, O Lord

Lord God of Hosts, whose mighty hand

Haec nox, carissimi, nox illa flebilis

Hosanna we sing, like the children dear

George Samuel Hodges

Richard Sturch

O, David was a shepherd lad

Charles Erskine Clarke

Choristers Guild

Elias Collection, Cambridge, UK

My Jesus I love Thee, I know Thou art mine

William Ralph Featherston

Christopher Tambling

The Saviour's precious blood

Victoria Carbery

Jesus, King of glory

W. Hope Davison

Luther D. Reed

And now this holy day

O for a humbler walk with God

Edward Harland

Ye neighbours and friends Of Jesus draw near



Das Kreuz ist aufgerichtet

Kurt Ihlenfeld

Ich gruße dich am Kreuzesstamm

Valentin Ernst Löscher

There is a redeemer

Melody Green

Keith Green

O happy land! O happy land!

What shall I render to my God (Wesley)

What shall I render to my God (Watts)

William Romaine

Father, in whom we live

Carrie Breck

Allein Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr

Nikolaus Decius

This is the night, dear friends, the night for weeping

Haec nox, carissime, nox illa flebilis

Solus ad victimam procedis, Domine

Arthur Charles Gook

Juraj Tranovský

Holy Lamb, who thee receive

Frederick William Foster

Humble souls, who seek salvation

With humble heart and tongue

I my Ebenezer raise

Shepherds, in the field abiding



Let's Praise!


Hail, Father, whose creating call

Our Father, while our hearts unlearn

O Love Divine, that stooped to share

The Lord of Sabbath let us praise

The morning flowers display their sweets

Paul Ernst Ruppel

Christlicher Sängerbund

Arthur G. Clyde

Voices in Praise

Accepted Widdop

Afflicted souls, to Jesus dear

How precious is the book divine

Herr Christ, der einig Gotts Sohn

Cruciger (Creutziger)

Cast thy bread upon the waters (Anon)

Cast thy bread upon the waters

Phebe Ann Hanaford

Light up this house with glory, Lord

John Harris

I know not how that Bethlehem's babe

Harry Webb Farrington

Love's redeeming work is done



Salvator mundi Domine

I lift my eyes to the quiet hills

I lay my sins on Jesus

I journey thro' a desert drear and wild

I will follow thee, my Savior

Creator of the earth and skies

Jesus, I my cross have taken

My spirit on Thy care

Norman Coke-Jephcott

Go forth for God; go forth to the world in peace

O Lord, we long to see your face

Awake, awake: fling off the night

Filled with the Spirit's power, with one accord

For Mary, Mother of our Lord

O cease, my wandering soul

Like Noah's weary dove

Saviour, who thy flock art feeding

Thine handmaid, Saviour! can it be

Carol, brothers, carol

Shout the glad tidings, exultingly sing

I would not live alway

William Augustus Muhlenberg

History of hymns

Glory, love, and praise, and honour