Nos coeurs te chantent

Nos coeurs te chantent (1979). This book (‘Our hearts sing to thee’) is the successor to Louange et Prière* (second edition 1945), the hymnbook of the Fédération Protestante of France, published in Paris and (appropriately) in Strasbourg. It contains the 150 psalms in metrical form, many by Clément Marot*, Théodore de Bèze* and Valentin Conrart* (1679) all except seven (5, 43, 93, 96, 133, 137, 149) revised by Roger Chapal in the version of 1970 (75 Psaumes, published at Strasbourg and Paris) and some published later (Les 150 Psaumes, versifiés en français contemporain (1995). This is followed by ‘Cantiques Bibliques’, including the Benedictus* and the Nunc dimittis* and a version of the...

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