My heart is full of Christ, and longs

My heart is full of Christ, and longs. Charles Wesley* (1707-1788). First published in A Collection of Psalms and Hymns, Second Edition, Enlarged (1743), Part the Second, these stanzas were the first four of twenty-one 6-line stanzas, forming a paraphrase of Psalm XLV: My Heart is full of Christ, and longs  Its glorious Matter to declare!Of Him I make my loftiest Songs,  I cannot from his Praise forbear;My ready Tongue makes hast to singThe Beauties of my Heavenly King. Fairer than all the earth-born Race,  Perfect in Comliness Thou art,Replenish’d art thy Lips with Grace,  And full of Love thy tender Heart:God ever blest, we bow the Knee,And own all Fulness dwells in Thee. Gird on thy...

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