Lithuanian Methodist hymnody

Lietuviška Giesmių Knyga (Kaunas, 1923) [The Lithuanian Methodist Episcopal Hymnal]. This hymnbook (cited as LIMEH 1923) was published in 1923 with Lithuanian Methodist Episcopal pastors Karlas Metas and Jonas Tautoraitis as editors. Like the other Methodist hymnbooks of the Baltic states (see ‘Estonian Methodist hymnody’*and ‘Latvian Methodist hymnody’*) it was heavily dependent on the Gesangbuch der Bischöflichen Methodisten Kirche in Deutschland und der Schweiz (‘Hymnbook of the German Methodist Episcopal Church’, Bremen, 1896, cited as GBMK 1896). Aside from the Lithuanian translations, original creations of Lithuanian authors and composers do not appear to be included. Since the text...

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