Leader of faithful souls, and guide

Leader of faithful souls, and guide. Charles Wesley* (1707-1788).  This was hymn 41 in Hymns for those that seek, and those that have Redemption in the Blood of Jesus Christ (Bristol, 1747), entitled ‘The Traveller’. It had eight 6-line stanzas:  Leader of faithful Souls, and Guide   Of all that travel to the Sky, Come, and with us, ev’n Us, abide,  Who would on Thee alone rely,On Thee alone our Spirits stay,While held in Life’s uneven Way.  Strangers and Pilgrims here below,  This Earth, we know, is not our Place; And hasten thro’ the Vale of Woe,  And restless to behold thy Face, Swift to our Heavenly Country move, Our Everlasting Home above.  We have no ’biding City here,  But seek...

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