Johann Michael Altenburg

ALTENBURG, Johann Michael. b. Alach, near Erfurt, 27 May 1584; d. Erfurt, 12 February 1640. He was educated at school at Erfurt and at the University (BA 1599, MA 1603). He was a schoolmaster at Erfurt, first as a teacher at the Reglerschule and then as Rektor of the school connected with St Andreas’ Church (1600-09). He was also Kantor at St Andreas’ from 1601. In 1609 he left teaching to become a pastor, and was assistant at two parishes near Erfurt before becoming pastor at Tröchtelborn (1610-21) and at Gross Sömmern (Sömmerda, 1621-37). There his parish suffered from the war and the plague, during which Altenburg lost his wife and many of his children. He went back to Erfurt in 1637,...

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