Jesu, to Thee our Hearts we lift

Jesu, to Thee our Hearts we lift. Charles Wesley* (1707-1788). From Book II of Charles Wesley’s Hymns and Sacred Poems (1749), published in his own name, with his brother’s approval. It was number 45 of a large section entitled ‘Hymns for Christian Friends’. It had six stanzas in 1749: Jesu, to Thee our Hearts we lift,   Our Hearts which now with Love o’erflow, With Thanks for thy continued Gift,   That still thy pretious Name we know, Retain the Sense of Sin forgiven, And wait for all our Inward Heaven. What mighty Troubles hast Thou shewn   Thy feeble tempted Followers here! We have thro’ Fire and Water gone,   But saw Thee on the Floods appear, But felt Thee present in the Flame, And...

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