It is finished! Christ hath known

‘It is finished!’ Christ hath known. George Gabriel Scott Gillett* (1873-1948). Based on St John’s record of the last words of Jesus on the cross — ‘tetelestai’ (‘it is finished’) — this hymn was written for EH (1906). These dying words of Christ have inspired and challenged many hymn writers. Gillett's solution was in an ABBA form, that of Tennyson*’s In Memoriam, followed by four lines rhyming ABAB: It is finished! Christ hath knownAll the life of men wayfaring;Human joys and sorrows sharing, Making human needs his own.Lord, in us thy life renewing, Lead us where thy feet have trod,Till, the way of truth pursuing, Human souls find rest in God. It is finished! Christ is slain,On the...

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