Ich will dich lieben, meine Stärke

Ich will dich lieben, meine Stärke. Johannes Scheffler* (1624-1677), translated by (1) John Wesley* (1703-1791) and (2) Catherine Winkworth* (1827-1878). First published in Scheffler’s Heilige Seelen-lust, oder Geistliche Hirten-Lieder (Breslau, 1657), Book I, entitled ‘Das Zehnde’ (the tenth hymn), with the heading ‘Sie verspricht sich Ihn biss in Tod zulieben’ (‘She [the Soul] promises to love him even unto death’). It had eight 6-line stanzas. It is found in EG in the ‘Geborgen in Gottes Liebe’ (‘Safe in God’s Love’) section (EG 400), where it has seven verses, omitting Scheffler’s verse 7, ‘Gib meinen Augen süsse Thränen’ (see below). It was included in Johann Anastasius...

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