Ich habe nun den Grund gefunden

Ich habe nun den Grund gefunden. Johann Andreas Rothe* (1688-1758). First published in an early Moravian hymnbook edited by Count Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf*, Christ-Catholisches Singe- und Bet-Büchlein (1727). It had ten 6-line verses. It was included in Das Gesang-Buch der Gemeine in Herrnhut (1735), the book which introduced John Wesley* to the German hymn tradition. From it he produced one of his finest translations, ‘Now I have found the ground wherein’*. Rothe’s hymn is notable for the repeated use, in a fine rhetorical mode, of the word ‘Barmherzigkeit’ (‘mercy’). Verse 4 ends weil Christi Blut beständig schreit: Barmherzigkeit! Barmherzigkeit!’ (Wesley’s ‘While Jesu’s blood,...

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