Happy Soul, thy Days are ended

Happy Soul, thy Days are ended. Charles Wesley* (1707-1788).  This is from Part I of Volume II of Hymns and Sacred Poems (Bristol, 1749). This volume contains a section entitled ‘Desiring Death’ (Hymns XLIV-LIII), followed by a mixture of individual examples and general instances (Hymns LIV-LX). This hymn was Hymn LV, numbered Hymn XII in the ‘Desiring Death’ section. It was entitled ‘For One Departing’. It had two 8-line stanzas:  Happy Soul, thy Days are ended,  All thy mourning Days below: Go, by Angel-Guards attended,  To the Sight of Jesus go! Waiting to receive thy Spirit,  Lo! The Saviour stands above, Shews the Purchase of his Merit,  Reaches out the Crown of Love.  Struggle thro’...

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