German hymns in English translation

Matthäus Apelles von Löwenstern The Reformation and its Impact (1517-1618) Of the pre-Reformation writers, the one whose work is still used is John Tauler*, one of whose hymns was paraphrased with a first line ‘As the bridegroom to his chosen’*. This version by Emma Frances Bevan* was published in her Hymns of Tersteegen, Suso and Others (1894). It was printed in School Worship (1926), but was little known until it was selected for 100HfT (1969) with a new tune (BRIDEGROOM, by Peter Cutts*). It was also found with this tune in HP. In the essay on German Hymnody in JJ, Philip Schaff* claimed also that ‘the church hymn in the strict sense of the term… was born with the German Reformation’,...

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