As Thou didst rest, O Father, o’er nature’s finished birth

As Thou didst rest, O Father, o’er nature’s finished birth. Alfred Barry* (1826-1910). This hymn was written before 1886, when it appeared in Henry Allon*’s Congregational Psalmist Hymnal. It was subsequently included in Godfrey Thring*’s A Church of England Hymn Book (1880), and William Garrett Horder*’s The Hymn Lover: an account of the rise and growth of English Hymnody (1889). It was retained in Horder’s Worship-Song (1905). It was also found in the revised edition of Church Hymns (1903), music editor Charles Harford Lloyd* (assisted by Basil Harwood*), and in Victoria Carbery*’s Church Hymnal for the Christian Year (1917, 1920).  For a short period it was evidently a fairly popular...

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