Art thou weary, art thou languid

Art thou weary, art thou languid. John Mason Neale* (1818-1866), based on a Greek text by St Stephen the Sabaite (725-794). This translation of a Greek text, ‘Kopon te kai kamaton’, was first printed in Neale’s Hymns of the Eastern Church (1862), where it is assigned to the ‘Second Epoch’ of Greek hymnody (726-820) and described as ‘Idiomela in the week of the First Oblique Tone’. Neale wrote: ‘These Stanzas, which strike me as very sweet, are not in all the editions of the Octoechos’ (Third Edition, 1866, p. 156):  Art thou weary, art thou languid,  Art thou sore distrest?"Come to me" - saith One - " and coming,             Be at rest!" Hath He marks to lead me to Him,  If He be my...

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