Amen Siakudumisa

Amen Siakudumisa. Stephen Cuthbert Molefe*.  We know this composition of 1977 (‘Amen, we praise your name’) through the work of David Dargie*, who met Molefe in that year at a composition workshop and transcribed a number of his works into staff notation, in a wide variety of musical styles, ‘Masithi-Amen’ being among the simplest (see the score of this tune in African hymnody*). The original version of ‘Amen Siakudumisa’ was ‘Sive-sithi Amen, siakudumisa’ (‘Hear us we say, Amen, we praise you’). Designed to be sung as the ‘Amen’ at the conclusion of the Great Thanksgiving (the Eucharist liturgy), it was an instant hit, with the whole parish singing it at Holy Week services. This present...

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